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school thought? “Turnaround Tuesday”. CBOT grains and the soybean complex traded lower. Trading was slow in part to a US biofuel conference that started today and favorable US weather as traders relook at supplies. China tossed a wrench into the short-term
agriculture bull machine by reporting poor April economic data that rippled into their currency valuation against the USD. Some are doubting the covid recovery has positively impacted business efforts after a Monday report that showed a rebound in energy consumption
by that country. China industrial production for April rose by 5.6% year-on-year, below 10.9% expected, and retail sales increased 18.4%, below 21% trade average. China stock composites didn’t tank, a good sign, however, market sentiment remains frail, according
to market reports. US wheat conditions last week were unchanged after a second rainy week for the first “H” of May for parts of the Great Plains, one point below expectations,
while summer (US) planting progress is moving along at a rapid pace for corn and soybeans across the US Midwest. Ironically echoes an Argentina crop year production cycle. A Bloomberg poll looks for weekly US ethanol production to be up 16,000 thousand barrels
to 981k (960-995 range) from the previous week and stocks up 45,000 barrels to 23.291 million.
have a bias to soon lower(our 2023-24 crop year price outlooks if NA weather remains favorable. Current estimates below. Note the 2019-20 crop year when weather was mostly favorable. Below is our
previous price 2023-24 forecast.
weather forecast is ideal for early corn second crop corn harvest progress.
and Freezes in North America over the next week will have no permanent impact on crops -
and Quebec will be coldest Wednesday and again this weekend with lows in the 20s and 30s Fahrenheit -
of Canada’s eastern Prairies will see frost and a few light freezes Thursday and Friday with no permanent impact on crops -
of soft frost cannot be ruled out in North Dakota or northern Minnesota Friday either, although the impact will be minimal -
Prairies may experience some increase in rainfall during the middle to latter part of next week, although confidence is low on how significant the moisture will be in the drought region -
rain would be welcome -
remains serious in east-central and interior southern Alberta and western Saskatchewan with no rain and waves of heat likely in this first week of the outlook -
hard red winter wheat areas of Kansas, southeastern Colorado, the Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma will have a good chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms Thursday into Friday with a few showers beginning Wednesday night
of 0.30 to 0.90 inch and local totals over 1.25 inches will be possible -
showers and thunderstorms may resume during the weekend and continue periodically through the last days of May -
U.S. Plains, Canada’s Prairies and much of the northwestern U.S. Corn and Soybean Belt will be drier biased over this first week of the outlook -
crop weather in general over the next ten days to two weeks will be favorably mixed providing time for planting and moisture for emergence and establishment -
includes most of the Midwest, the Great Plains, Delta and southeastern states -
temperatures in the coming week will be very warm in the far western states and near normal in much of the central and east, although the southwestern Plains will be cooler biased for a while -
biased temperatures are likely many key crop areas except in the southwestern Plains next week -
weather is still expected to slowly become more active with waves of timely rain to bolster planting moisture in winter wheat areas
precipitation will slow late summer crop harvesting, but there will be no quality issues -
center west and center south crop areas will continue seasonably dry biased over the next ten days -
crops will continue to develop well, although some rain may be needed soon in Mato Grosso and Goias where the topsoil is becoming quite dry and subsoil moisture is in decline -
planted corn and cotton has performed extremely well -
planted Safrinha corn in Sao Paulo, Parana and Mato Grosso do Sul is developing well with little change due to adequate soil moisture -
of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraguay will get rain next week for late season crops and winter wheat -
Europe will be plenty wet for a while keeping field progress running a little slow, but long term soil conditions will be good for winter and spring crops
Europe precipitation will be limited over the next ten days and temperatures will trend a little warmer over time -
environment will be good for fieldwork and crop development -
Ukraine, Belarus and Baltic States will see a good mix of weather during the next ten days favoring fieldwork and normal crop development -
few areas in northern Kazakhstan and neighboring areas of Russia would still benefit from greater rain, although recent rain was welcome -
region should be closely monitored for drying later this year -
weather remains favorably mixed in the Northeast, North China Plain and Yellow River Basin -
drought conditions remain in Inner Mongolia and northern Hebei -
soil moisture is expected again in areas near and south of the Yangtze River over the next couple of weeks -
precipitation may disrupt rapeseed maturation and harvesting -
rapeseed quality declines are possible -
weather will be normal for this time of year over the balance of this month -
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia will experience net drying over the next several days and then rain will resume again during the weekend and next week -
region would benefit from greater precipitation -
and Malaysia rainfall is becoming more erratic and next week’s precipitation may be light enough to induce net drying
moisture should remain favorable for a while, but developing El Nino conditions will impact these nations soon with lighter than usual rainfall and net drying -
weather will be favorably mixed for a while, but a tropical disturbance near the west coast of Luzon may eventually enhance rainfall across the island while other areas experience a more favorable mix of rain and sunshine -
rainfall will be mostly confined to coastal areas for the next ten days -
will proceed, but some greater precipitation may be needed in the next few weeks to induce the best possible stands
rainfall Monday in southeastern Queensland and far northeastern New South Wales was good for future wheat and barley emergence and establishment -
was disrupted in the region briefly, but should accelerate as net drying develops -
Africa weather will be trending drier in the coming week to ten days after rain fell Monday and will linger in the northeast today -
crop harvesting and winter crop planting will advance swiftly in the next two weeks with some need for greater rain in western wheat areas -
Africa weather continues to generate timely rainfall for coffee, cocoa, sugarcane and rice -
in the most recent 30 days was a little lighter than usual in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon as well as from northern Ivory Coast into southwestern Burkina Faso impacting cotton areas -
conditions should remain mostly good, although the drier areas would benefit from greater rain -
Africa rainfall has been favorable for coffee, cocoa and other crops in recent weeks with little change likely -
Asia cotton and other crop weather has been relatively good this year with adequate irrigation water and some timely rainfall reported -
favorable environment will continue -
rainfall is expected to steadily increase over the next ten days improving soil moisture for future planting of summer crops
Mexico will continue quite dry -
America rainfall is expected to be erratic, although mostly favorable during the next two weeks -
Cyclone Fabien in the India Ocean poses no threat to land -
Southern Oscillation Index was -6.24 and it should move erratically lower over the next several days
World Weather, INC.
May 16:
- Future
Food Asia 2023 conference in Singapore, day 1 - French
agriculture ministry’s 2023 planting estimates - EU
weekly grain, oilseed import and export data - GrainCom
conference in Geneva, day 2 - New
Zealand dairy trade auction
May 17:
weekly US ethanol inventories, production, 10:30am - Future
Food Asia 2023 conference in Singapore, day 2 - GrainCom
conference in Geneva, day 3
May 18:
- China’s
2nd batch of April trade data, including agricultural imports - USDA
weekly net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork and beef, 8:30am - Port
of Rouen data on French grain exports