EOX Market Data
NGL Forward Curves
The Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Forward Curves provide an independent and thorough view into the Global NGL market. The product covers physical and financial products including swaps and financial futures prices for NGL and Olefin Petrochemical Products. Curves are delivered daily via 5 intraday reports providing customers an early start to their end of day processes.

OTC Global covers daily assessments of natural gas liquids & petrochemical (olefin) forwards at 48 locations and with products that include deliveries for: Mont Belvieu (TET, non TET, Targa), Conway, Hattiesburg, Far East, Saudi Arabia, Sonatrach, Baltic, and hubs in Northwest Europe.
- 48 International Curves
- Daily assessments provided in monthly granularity
- 5 Year Tenor
- Spread futures / swaps marked
- Historical Data
- Models run at 5 intraday times