PDF Attached includes FI estimates for USDA export sales


trade with soybeans ending higher led by slow Argentina producer selling and higher soybean oil. Wide two-sided trade in meal with a lower close on demand destruction. Corn ended moderately higher, Chicago wheat higher and high protein wheat lower.


estimates as of April 18




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Weather Inc.


  • Freezes
    will occur this weekend in the Great Plains, Midwest and northern Delta
    • Most
      winter crops in the central Plains should not be harmed
    • Concern
      is moderate over crops in Oklahoma and southeastern parts of the Texas Panhandle where frost and some freezes are possible
      • Wheat
        is booting and heading in some of these areas, although mostly south of where the more significant freezes are expected
      • Oats
        and rye are also heading in these warmer areas and canola is flowering; all of these crops are vulnerable to damage, but since the more advanced crops are in the south there is potential the only a few will be seriously impacted by the cold
    • Northern
      fringes of the Delta in Arkansas, southeastern Missouri as well as southernmost Illinois and Kentucky will be monitored for some damage, too
    • Early
      emerged corn will be negatively impacted by the cold, although the growing point should be below the surface of the soil keeping the potential for permanent damage low
  • Rain
    may return to the central and southern U.S. Plains next week as warmer air returns the Plains after weekend frost and freezes
    • The
      southwestern Plains are least likely to get a soaking of rain, but some showers are expected
    • The
      heart of Texas into central Kansas, parts of Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri could receive rain as warm, moist, air flows northward
    • The
      west-central Plains may get some moisture, too, but a general soaking seems unlikely
  • U.S.
    Delta will experience rain prior to the cold surge late this week and then receive more rain when the warm air returns next week keeping the region plenty wet if not a little too wet
  • Some
    U.S. southeastern states crop areas will dry down for a while, but rain may return next week
  • Red
    River Basin of the North flooding in eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota will continue to evolve, but the situation does not seem to be as extreme as that of 2009 and 1997
  • Canada’s
    eastern Prairies will be inundated with heavy snow tonight through Thursday
    • Snowfall
      of 6 to 15 inches is expected from east-central and southeastern Saskatchewan through west-central and southwestern Manitoba
      • Local
        accumulations of more than 20 inches is quite likely in interior southeastern Saskatchewan
      • Moisture
        totals of 0.50 to 1.50 inches and local totals over 2.00 inches will be possible
    • Breezy
      conditions are likely as well which may result in a notable amount of blowing and drifting of snow even though it will be a s wet snow
    • Livestock
      stress, travel delays and perhaps a few power outages will be possible as well
    • Snowfall
      of 2 to 6 inches will also impact central Saskatchewan while 1 to 3 inches accumulates in west-central Saskatchewan and into east-central and southern Alberta
  • Drought
    will continue in the

    southwestern Canadian Prairies, although the snow noted above will provide a little topsoil moisture for a brief period of time
  • Temperatures
    will be colder than usual across much of the Canada central and eastern Prairies and the northern U.S. Plains through the next ten days  and some areas in the U.S. Pacific Northwest will also be cooler biased for a while
  • California
    and the southwestern desert region will be dry biased for the next ten days
  • Ontario
    and Quebec, Canada soil temperatures have warmed in favor or new wheat development, but cooling is expected in the coming week
  • U.S.
    temperatures will turn much warmer in the central and southern states during mid-week this week and in the eastern states late this week ahead of much colder air late this week and during the weekend in the central states and in the eastern states during the
    late weekend and early part of next week.
  • Argentina
    precipitation during the seven days will continue restricted which will be great for summer crop maturation and harvesting, but a boost in rain will be needed prior autumn wheat and barley planting in June
    • Some
      rain is expected next week, but the impact on harvesting will be low
    • Weekend
      precipitation was minimal, and temperatures were mild
  • Brazil’s
    summer monsoon is ending, but some rainfall is expected erratically over the next two weeks some of which will be from mid-latitude frontal systems and not due to the withdrawing monsoon
    • Rainfall
      will be greatest from Mato Grosso do Sul to Parana and Sao Paulo today and Wednesday in association with a cool front
      • Net
        drying is expected after that for a while
  • Southwestern
    Europe is still not likely to get much precipitation during the next ten days
    • A
      few showers will occur, but resulting precipitation will not be enough to counter evaporation
    • Rain
      is expected in most other areas periodically
  • Europe
    temperatures will continue near to above normal through the next ten days with southwestern areas driest and warmest
  • CIS
    precipitation in the coming week to ten days will be greatest from Belarus and the Baltic States through Ukraine to Russia’s Southern Region maintaining moisture abundance
    • Temperatures
      will be seasonable
    • Spring
      planting may be delayed at times, but winter crop development should be normal
  • Western
    and northern Russia precipitation will be light during the next ten days, but soil moisture will remain favorable
  • India
    precipitation over the next two weeks is expected to be typical of this time of year with periodic, pre-monsoonal, precipitation expected in the central, west, south and east while some unusually great rain falls from Uttarakhand to Jammu and Kashmir
  • China
    weather over the next two weeks will include;
    • Frequent
      rain in the Yangtze River Basin and areas south to the coast
      • Some
        rapeseed areas may become a little too wet
    • Erratic
      precipitation in the North China Plain, eastern Yellow River Basin and northeastern provinces through mid-week and then rain will develop in the Yellow River Basin late this week
      • Winter
        wheat and early spring planting will benefit from northern China rainfall
  • Xinjiang,
    China will experience brief periods of light rain and cool air in the northeast through the next two weeks
    • Cotton
      and corn planting has begun, but mostly in western production areas where it has been warmest
    • Northeastern
      Xinjiang continues to experience bouts of cold and some additional frost and freezes are expected this week
    • Western
      Xinjiang will experience the best planting conditions, but temperatures will still be milder than usual
  • Yunnan,
    China is too dry and needs moisture for early season corn and rice as well as other crops
    • The
      province and neighboring areas are considered to be in a drought
    • Dryness
      will continue in the province cutting into rice and corn planting and production potential as well as some other crops
  • Middle
    East rainfall is expected from Turkey to Iran this week and will be great for winter and spring crops
    • Cotton
      and rice planting will benefit after the rain passes
    • Winter
      crops will fill favorably, but drier weather may soon be needed to protect grain quality
  • Australia
    precipitation will be minimal over the next week allowing some early season planting of canola, wheat and barley to begin
    • Favorable
      summer crop maturation and harvest progress is expected
    • Rain
      will develop in Victoria and neighboring areas late next week
  • South
    Africa precipitation should be restricted for a while favoring summer crop maturation and harvest progress
  • North
    Africa will continue too mostly dry along with Spain and Portugal over the next ten days
    • Temperatures
      will be warmer than usual
    • Crop
      stress will be expanding raising more concern over wheat and barley production as well as unirrigated spring and summer crops in Spain
  • Mainland
    areas of Southeast Asia are still in need of greater rain, although the situation is not critical
    • Poor
      pre-monsoonal shower and thunderstorm activity has been occurring in many areas and improved rainfall will soon be needed
      • This
        is impacting some early season sugarcane, rice and coffee development as well as other crops
  • Indonesia
    and Malaysia weather has been lighter than usual due to the negative phase of Madden Julian Oscillation and this will continue through the coming week and possibly ten days
    • Totally
      dry weather is not expected, but rainfall may be lighter and more sporadic than usual
  • Cotton
    areas from Mali to Burkina Faso have not seen a normal start to the rainy season this year; rain is needed to support planting
    • Other
      west-central Africa coffee and cocoa production areas will receive routinely occurring showers and thunderstorms
  • East-central
    Africa precipitation will be sufficient to support favorable coffee, cocoa and, rice and sugarcane development as well as other crops
  • Mexico
    remains in a drought, though eastern and far southern parts of the nation will get some periodic rain
  • Central
    Asia cotton and other crop planting is under way and advancing relatively well with adequate irrigation water and some timely rainfall expected
  • Today’s
    Southern Oscillation Index was -0.32 and it should move lower over the next several days.

World Weather, INC.


Ag calendar

April 18:

  • China’s
    2nd batch of March trade data, including agricultural imports
  • China’s
    first quarter pork output and inventory levels
  • New
    Zealand global dairy trade auction

April 19:

  • EIA
    weekly US ethanol inventories, production, 10:30am
  • Brazil’s
    Conab releases cane, sugar and ethanol output data
  • USDA
    total milk production, 3pm
    Indonesia, Bangladesh

April 20:

  • China’s
    3rd batch of March trade data, including country breakdowns for commodities
  • Malaysia’s
    April 1-20 palm oil export data
  • Cocoa
    Association of Asia grinding data for first quarter
  • USDA
    weekly net-export sales for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, pork and beef, 8:30am